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What's in Your Water?

Water is nature's solvent.

As water sits in lakes, aquifers and storage tanks, as it percolates down through the ground, flows in rivers, and through piping systems, water dissolves and or 

suspends much of what it comes in contact with. 


From naturally occurring algae, to suspended minerals, 

pharmaceuticals, industrial chemicals and heavy metals. All of these, and more can be found suspended within our water supply. 

Total Dissolved Solids 

We measure dissolved impurities in water as (TDS), or total dissolved solids.

In New Mexico these impurities can range from water 

soluble minerals (calcium & magnesium), to heavy metals (arsenic, lead & iron), to organics (nitrates), or disinfectants like chlorine (used to kill bacteria) and unwanted chlorine by- product, known as triholomethanes, or simply (THMs).  

Bad Water Smells and Tastes

Unpleasant smells and tastes in water can be a warning of impurities. Chlorine, sulfer, iron and bicarbonates cause bad smells and or bad tastes.

Other contaminants like arsenic, triholomethanes and pharmaceuticals may not smell or taste bad at all.


Hard Water Minerials

Suspended hard water minerals are a common issue for household water throughout the Southwest.


These are not a health risks, although they do cause problems such as, spots on dishes, deposits in toilets, clogged shower heads, grimy tiles, all problems and all signs of 'Hard Water'. 

Do you find that you use excess amounts of soap and detergents?  Are you experiencing dry skin, dull hair, 

or faded laundry?  These are all signs of 'Hard Water'.  


Did You Know?

Hard water minerals can also ruin your plumping, fixtures, water heaters and other expensive appliances. 



Other Home Water Problems:​

  • Pink Stains

  • Black Particles

  • Rotten Egg Smell

Home Water Testing & Consultation / Culligan Joe
Protect Your Home and Health

A field test and consultation by the Local Water Expert is a useful way to determine what water problems you might have and how they can be addressed.


Well educated, trained and licensed, the Local Water Expert can consultant with you free of charge and determine just what problems you might have and supply you with solutions specifically suited to your particular needs. 


In some cases lab testing may be required and a sample can be sent out for further testing.



Basic Field testing can include:

  • pH

  • TDS (total dissolved solids)

  • Chlorine

  • Calcium

  • Magnesium

  • Iron

  • Hydrogen Sulfide




Additional Lab testing can include:

  • Aluminum

  • Arsenic III & V

  • Barium

  • Chloramines

  • Chlorides

  • Cryptosporidium

  • Fluoride

  • Lead

  • Manganese

  • Mercury

  • Nitrates

  • Sodium

  • Sulfates

  • Turbidity


Additional Environmental Lab testing for:​

  • Coliform

  • Petrochemicals

  • Pharmaceuticals

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